Lightness Tournament
News about the LT

What is the Lightness Tournament?
This is a new way to compete where Lightness is the goal. This is opened to any horse, breed and rider´s level. The tournament is an event that brings like-minded horsemen together to display and celebrate the art of lightness in horsemanship. It is a venue to practice and display equine artistic expression and technical skill. It gives all of us the opportunity to test ourselves and to have goals for riding with Lightness.
The Lightness Tournament is a way for those of us striving for lightness with our horses to test ourselves with our horses to find out where we are in our journey for lightness. It is not a competition putting all of us against each other. It is more of a competition for ourselves. For each of us individually to test ourselves to see where we are in our Lightness journey. There are 5 levels of tests. Each test having movements to pass before going onto the next level. We want to strive for mastering each level with excellence. The levels are graded on lightness, movement, technical and artistic value. You are allowed the opportunity to ride a test two times, if something went wrong the first time. Thus giving us a chance to fix or improve our test. The judge will give us comments but not a score. If you do not pass you can ride the test again another day. It is not about passing level 5 quickly. It is about passing each level in lightness and finesse. It is about being a true partner with our horse’s and working together as a team without any make or restraint. It is about riding with grace, beauty and dignity. To Dance with our horses.
What are the tests?
The tests are levels 1 thru 5. Level 1 being the lowest level 5 being the upper level test. The tests are exciting and fun. They are challenging yet attainable. The rides will be scored, but only the judge’s comments will be given back to the rider rather than their individual score – to discourage riders from comparing scores with others, which might distract from the intention of the Tournament. The total rating will be comprised of approximately 2/5 based on the required movements, 2/5 on Lightness itself (composed of 6 elements), and 1/5 on the artistry exhibited in the test. This Tournament is for every horse and for every rider – but the tests do follow “Classical”riding/equitation. The tests are freestyles, choreographed to best show your horse and to music that the individuals select. This adds an element of fun and exhibition which will be much more enjoyable for all involved.
Rules & Tests
Lightness Tournament Rule book Read the Rules in pdf.
Lightness Tournament Under Saddle Tests
Lightness Tournament Pied-a-Terre Tests
Lightness Tournament – Games – Rules Read the rules in pdf.
Lightness Tournament – Games – Score sheets. Download Games score sheets.
Alta Escuela Española
The Alta Escuela is a discipline regulated by the Federación Andaluza de Hípica (FAH) in Spain. The rules are in Spanish. We unfortunately don’t have a good translation yet that will respect the original wording and Spanish Alta Escuela traditions. You can find the rules with this link below.
However, the tests have been translated in English by Manuel Trigo, respecting the original presentation, wording and Alta Escuela expressions and traditions.
In 2012, the tests went through a major upgrade and additional levels were created. The current levels are:
- Basic – Medium – Intermediary – Advanced and Superior.
- Basic Free style, Medium Free style, Intermediary Free style, Advanced Free style and Superior Free style.
- Long reins I and Long reins II
Alta Escuela Tests, Basic, Basic Free style, Medium, Medium Free style. Read the tests in pdf.
Doma Vaquera
The Doma Vaquera is a discipline regulated by the Real Federación Hípica Española (RFHE) in Spain. The rules are in Spanish. We unfortunately don’t have a good translation yet that will respect the original wording and Doma Vaquera traditions. You can find the rules with this link below.
However, the tests have been translated in English by Manuel Trigo, respecting the original presentation, wording and Doma Vaquera expressions and traditions.
Doma Vaquera Rules Read the Rules in pdf
Doma Vaquera Tests Read the tests in pdf.
Lightness Tournament Games
The Games gather classes where horses and riders will show and test their skills and abilities such as Spanish Walk, Piaffe, Passage, and transitions, Garrocha Free style, etc.